Sustainable Consumption and Society

An International Working Conference for Social Scientists


Held June 2nd to 3rd, 2006


Sponsored by Research Committee 24 (RC24) on Environment and Society

of the International Sociological Association


Co-Sponsored by the Department of Rural Sociology and the Agroecology Program

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Schedule of Papers

Note: All papers and abstracts linked to this page are under individual copyright by the individual authors, and they retain all rights to them. Please contact the authors for any use that involves, or potentially involves, copyright.

Schedule of Papers as a Word Document

List of Reviewers as a Word Document


Friday, June 2


    Welcome      —Room 226


    Domestic Consumption: The Controversy Over Raw Milk      —Room 217

1. Ozlem Altiok, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Politics of Raw Milk Consumption.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

3. Diana Mincyte, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, “Sustainable Consumption as a Collective Action: Raw Milk Consumers in Lithuania.”abstract paper
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

    Labeling/Standards 1      —Room 225

2. Magnus Boström, Stockholm University, and Mikael Klintman, Lund University. “Green Consumerism through Green Labelling?
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

4. Jason Konefal, Michigan State University. “Protecting the Oceans and Marine Life via the Market and Consumption: The Sustainable Seafood Movement.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper




    Sustainable Consumption and Citizenship      —Room 217

5. Michael S. Carolan, Colorado State University. “Ecological Citizenship and Tactile Space: The Epistemic Significance of the Lived Experience.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

7. Thomas Princen, University of Michigan. “Consumer Sovereignty and Sacrifice: Two Insidious Concepts in the Expansionist Consumer Economy.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

    Labeling/Standards 2      —Room 225

6. Alison Grace Cliath, Washington State University.  “Seeing Shades: Ecologically and Socially Just Labeling?”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper
                                                                                                        photos 1    photos 2

8. Zsuzsa Gille, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “European Union Food and Environmental Standards: A Polanyian Self-Protection of Society?”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper




    Culture, Consciousness, and Sustainable Consumption      —Room 217

9. Andy Szasz, University of California-Santa Cruz, “Inverted Quarantine.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

11. Christine M. Vatovec, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “The theory of sustainable consumption: Attitudes toward death: links to consumptive behaviors?”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

    Sustainability, Social Change, and the Consumer      —Room 225

10. Sander van den Burg, Wageningen University. “Consumption Domains in Transition: System Innovations and the Consumer as an Agent of Change.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

12. David Hendrickson, Simon Fraser University. “Consumption Indicator Framework in Vancouver, Canada.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper


    Free time


    Conference sustainability supper



Saturday, June 3


    Domestic Consumption: Alternative Modes of Food Provisioning      —Room 217

13. Alison Hope Alkon, University of California, Davis. “Race, Class, and the Environment: Framing Sustainable Consumption at Farmers Markets.”
                                                                                                        abstract     paper

15. Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier, Centre de Sociologie des Organisations  and Claire Lamine, Unité Eco-Innov. “Local Food Systems and New Forms of Consumers’ Involvement in Sustainable Development in France.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

    The Social Economy of Sustainable Consumption I      —Room 225

14. No paper. Late sleepers' slot.

16. Noah Quastel, University of Victoria.  “Relational and Non-Relational Concepts of Exchange in Law." (At the last moment, was not able to attend.)
                                                                                                        abstract      paper




    Domestic Consumption: Energy and Infrastructure      —Room 217

17. Kirsten Gram-Hanssen, Danish Building Research Institute. “Routines in Everyday Life – Between Social Structures, Cultural Norms and Physical Infrastructure.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

19. David Hess, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, “Community Choice, Public Power, and Energy Conservation:  Democracy, Sustainable Consumption, and the Problem of Scale.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

    The Social Economy of Sustainable Consumption II      —Room 225

18. Michael M. Bell,  University of Wisconsin-Madison.  “Welcome to the Consumption Line:  Sustainability and the Post-Choice Economy.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

20. Gert Spaargaren, Wageningen University.  “Ecological Modernization of Social Practices at the Consumption Junction.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper


    Outdoor lunch at the Dane County Farmers Market


    Global Implications of Sustainable Consumption      —Room 217

21. Sarah Lyon, University of Kentucky. “ ‘Somos Cooperativistas’: Contributing to Democracy in Rural Latin America through Fair Trade and Sustainable Consumption.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

23. Pradip Swarnakar and A. K. Sharma, Indian Institute of Technology.  “Understanding Environmental Concerns: An Indian Experience of Sustainable Domestic Water Consumption.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

    Sustainable Consumption in the Context of Lifestyles      —Room 225

22. Robert Rattle, independent researcher.  “Linking Healthy Living and Sustainable Consumption: Extending the Nexus of Analyses.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper

24. Pierre Stassart, M. Mormont M., and M Louviaux, LièGe University. “Sustainable Consumption: Back to Work.”
                                                                                                        abstract      paper




    Conference wrap-up discussion.       —Room 226


    Conference ends

    Dinner on your own


Nota Bene

Odd-numbered papers in Pyle Center Room 217

Even-numbered papers in Pyle Center Room 225


Note: All papers and abstracts linked to this page are under individual copyright by the individual authors, and they retain all rights to them. Please contact the authors for any use that involves, or potentially involves, copyright.



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Page last modified June 6, 2006